Our future depends on our children. And our children depend on sound education to lead happy and successful lives.
It’s time for new leadership with new ideas focusing on improving the State’s fiscal responsibility, proper education for our children, and individual prosperity for our community.
You can count on me to support adequate funding for law enforcement. Our men and women in uniform, whom we entrust with the authority and responsibility of enforcing and upholding our laws, have an incredibly important role in our society.

I am running to be your State Representative in RD7. Now, I’m not your typical politician. In fact, this is only the second time I’ve ever ran for anything. I am, however, a concerned citizen and father who is happily willing to step up and help ensure a secure, happy, and prosperous future for all of us in RD7, and Delaware as a whole. I’m fed up with the promotion of bad and even unconstitutional policies and I feel it’s time for new representation. I want public servants who are dedicated to representing the people’s interests instead of special interests. That’s why I am stepping up again. We’ve had one party rule in Dover for too long, it’s time to bring balance to our state government.